Educate and Change The World

Written by Cyndi O'Meara

Cyndi is about educating. Her greatest love is to teach, both in the public arena and within the large corporate food companies, to enable everyone to make better choices so they too can enjoy greater health throughout their lives. Considered one of the world's foremost experts in Nutrition, Cyndi brings over 40 years experience, research and knowledge.
Time To Read: 3 minutes

April 27, 2018

The old Chinese Proverb, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day .. teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” sums up all that is the creation of Functional Nutrition Academy (FNA). This core belief is what has led to not only the birth of Functional Nutrition Academy (FNA) but  most recently apply and be approved as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 45366) .

FNA evolved out of the journey of its sister company Changing Habits. Founder Cyndi O’Meara’s, core belief  is that ‘every human being has the right to be healthy.’ With this ‘outside the box’ approach to individual and global health, Cyndi has spent many years sharing what she knows.  Her down to earth education and life-long learning  approach has inspired thousands to make smarter choices about the food they choose to put into their body as well as at a macro level from a  community and global perspective.

It is from this that FNA has taken Cyndi O’Meara’s philosophy of using FOSET foods – organic, sustainable, ethical and trusted and turned this into teaching people about how to do it themselves as well as for their communities and organisations they work for.  From a small education division, as part of Changing Habits, to the business it is now Functional Nutrition Academy (FNA)  has grown in team members, students and the work it does educating people about food and vitalism.

Over the last 3 years, FNA has provided more opportunities to provide a greater voice and opportunity for Cyndi’s message and have delivered the non-accredited Functional Nutrition course to over 400 students.  As part of this strategy FNA took the step to apply to be a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 45366),  to further provide high quality Nationally Recognised Education and Qualifications to a wider audience in community health and business for Complimentary Alternative Therapists.

Becoming an RTO is a complex and rigorous process.  As a deliverer of Nationally recognised Training, an RTO must meet a range of mandatory requirements to ensure it can deliver high quality training and assessment expected by students, and by Australian Industry and employers.

Initially, FNA will be delivering a business skill-set that is tailored to Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM practitioner). Examples of these practitioners may be Food and Nutrition coaches, Chiropractors, Kinesiologist, Naturopath or Acupuncturist.  Participants may have been engaged in the workforce for many years doing a variety of different types of work as a practitioner but may not have the business skills to set up and run a practice. They are are seeking to increase their skills and knowledge. The first course is expected to be released in June 2018.

As FNA grows and listens to what its students and clients are saying we will be developing new holistically designed and developed courses, events and programs. These will focus on Vitalism and the growing, preparation and eating of FOSET foods both in our homes, businesses and communities.

Tara Neven

Functional Nutrition Academy


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