Author: The Nutrition Academy

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Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

Is there really a healthy school lunch that tastes as good as a chip roll? Transcript from a 2008 interview ‘Bad’ food in kid’s lunch boxes traditionally give them hyperactivity,…
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Flavours in Food and Vaping

I’ve been traveling for nearly 3 months now through different countries and continents. Food habits and diets of the different countries and areas are remarkably different. I noticed that in…
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Climate Change, Weather, and Food.

Firstly, I want you to know that you are about to read an opinion piece. It’s about climate and this subject is highly polarising not just in the general public’s…
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Andropause definition highlighted

What is Andropause? 

Turning 40 is something we can’t avoid! There are a lot of changes happening in a man’s body at this point, particularly with hormones.   Unfortunately, getting old is associated with…
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All different kinds of mushrooms

The Humble Mushroom

Love them or hate them, the humble mushroom is an explosion of goodness and a tasty versatile ingredient! According to the Australian Mushroom Growers’ Association and Harvard’s School of Public…
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Mental Health – It’s Complex!

Mental health is not just a hot topic it’s a massive issue that isn’t going away any time soon. In fact, the mental health crisis seems to be getting worse…
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big spoonful of sugar

Sugar the Silent Assasin

Silent Assassin: Don’t turn a blind eye to the dangers of a sugar-filled diet. I doubt there are any children these days who think smoking is healthy. Back in the…
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Referencing – Why it is so important?

Many students I speak to find the referencing side of their assignments and articles challenging. They are wondering if they are formatting the reference list and citing sources correctly. They…
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Meet a Graduate- Melissa Kovacevic

Functional Health Canberra’s Game Changing Approach By Melissa Kovacevic As the Founder of Functional Health Canberra, I am an accredited Functional Nutrition Consultant and a Clinical EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom…
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Meet A Graduate – Cheryl Stevens

We love hearing how our Functional Nutritional Academy students found the course and how they were able to integrate it into their lives, Over to you Cheryl… “My passion for…
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Marketing Genius – Know Your Why

It can be said that only when you know your ‘WHY’, will you find the courage to take the risks needed to get ahead in life/business and stay motivated.  When…
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Latest News

Though nutrition is one part of total well-being, what you eat impacts all aspects of a person, their physical, mental and social health. Once you understand all elements of your human experience as a WHOLE, you can begin to make changes towards better health.

Though nutrition is one part of total well-being, what you eat impacts all aspects of a person, their physical, mental and social health. Once you understand all elements of your human experience as a WHOLE, you can begin to make changes towards better health. ...

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If you're seeking a stronger community, find it here! Follow our Instagram, like our Facebook page and join us at the 2025 Health and Nutrition Summit to meet like-minded folks who get you. ⁠
Head over to the Health and Nutrition website to book your ticket now.

If you`re seeking a stronger community, find it here! Follow our Instagram, like our Facebook page and join us at the 2025 Health and Nutrition Summit to meet like-minded folks who get you. ⁠

Head over to the Health and Nutrition website to book your ticket now.

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We're deeply grateful to all of our students who have given the time, commitment and passion to learn what we teach and help create a tsunami of change. Join us and make a difference for your future, that of your family, and the world.⁠
Enrol via the link in our bio

We`re deeply grateful to all of our students who have given the time, commitment and passion to learn what we teach and help create a tsunami of change. Join us and make a difference for your future, that of your family, and the world.⁠

Enrol via the link in our bio

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We truly do understand the temptation of convenience, but there's a way to circumvent the cost to your health. The first step to food convenience is creating a weekly meal plan so there's no surprises or sudden gaps in food throughout the week. You don't have to ask anymore "what do I make for dinner?" when you've sat down on Sunday with your partner, your children, or your roommates and made a plan.

We truly do understand the temptation of convenience, but there`s a way to circumvent the cost to your health. The first step to food convenience is creating a weekly meal plan so there`s no surprises or sudden gaps in food throughout the week. You don`t have to ask anymore "what do I make for dinner?" when you`ve sat down on Sunday with your partner, your children, or your roommates and made a plan. ...

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At the Nutrition Academy we are blessed every day to work with incredible people from our amazing students, our team here in Australia to professionals in the health and wellness space all over the world. 

We love the work we do, and the simple things it brings us back to and reminds us of, like gratitude for the food on our plates and the people who helped make that happen: our farmers. 

#nutritionacademy #theNutritionAcademy #studynutrition#nutritioncourses #functionalnutrition

At the Nutrition Academy we are blessed every day to work with incredible people from our amazing students, our team here in Australia to professionals in the health and wellness space all over the world.

We love the work we do, and the simple things it brings us back to and reminds us of, like gratitude for the food on our plates and the people who helped make that happen: our farmers.

#nutritionacademy #theNutritionAcademy #studynutrition#nutritioncourses #functionalnutrition

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If you're one of our students or thinking about becoming one, you have a story, one worth telling. Write the book, start the podcast, do the blog — storytelling changes the world!⁠

If you`re one of our students or thinking about becoming one, you have a story, one worth telling. Write the book, start the podcast, do the blog — storytelling changes the world!⁠ ...

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Haven't bought your Summit ticket yet? Get it for 77% off with our Functional Nutrition Course! Meet like-minded students, hear from experts, meet Cyndi and reinvigorate your motivation for change at the 2025 Health and Nutrition Summit. ⁠
Just add the ticket as an add-on at check out!

Haven`t bought your Summit ticket yet? Get it for 77% off with our Functional Nutrition Course! Meet like-minded students, hear from experts, meet Cyndi and reinvigorate your motivation for change at the 2025 Health and Nutrition Summit. ⁠

Just add the ticket as an add-on at check out!

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Instead of a New Year's Resolution, a crash diet, two weeks of daily hour-long HIIT work outs, or a failed digital detox, consider making a promise to yourself, one small change every day that can add up to a good life. ⁠

Instead of a New Year`s Resolution, a crash diet, two weeks of daily hour-long HIIT work outs, or a failed digital detox, consider making a promise to yourself, one small change every day that can add up to a good life. ⁠

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There's nothing more romantic than living a long, happy life together, and that future starts today!⁠

There`s nothing more romantic than living a long, happy life together, and that future starts today!⁠

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This outstanding testimonial from Mel is pretty convincing to us, but if you still have questions, you should join us tonight 6pm at the Live Q&A with Cyndi, where she can answer any of your questions and help you take the first big step towards changing the world. ⁠
Register to join us via the link in our bio!

This outstanding testimonial from Mel is pretty convincing to us, but if you still have questions, you should join us tonight 6pm at the Live Q&A with Cyndi, where she can answer any of your questions and help you take the first big step towards changing the world. ⁠

Register to join us via the link in our bio!

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Just because it says 'fruit' on the packet doesn't mean it is full of the great minerals, nutrients, fibres and carbohydrates that fruit is. Before feeding your family, read the ingredients!⁠

Just because it says `fruit` on the packet doesn`t mean it is full of the great minerals, nutrients, fibres and carbohydrates that fruit is. Before feeding your family, read the ingredients!⁠

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If you want to use your year to make  difference for yourself or your community, advance your career or start a new life, join us on Monday February 3rd. Register your interest via the link in our bio!

If you want to use your year to make difference for yourself or your community, advance your career or start a new life, join us on Monday February 3rd. Register your interest via the link in our bio! ...

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© Copyright The Nutrition Academy 2023

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Subscribe to receive our emails to keep up to date with ground-breaking nutrition trends, events, articles and so much more.

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© Copyright The Nutrition Academy 2023