Meet A Graduate- Melinda Blundell from Emu Wellness

Written by The Nutrition Academy

Time To Read: 2 minutes

April 19, 2017

Making gut healing and nourishing food easy and delicious for the everyday person is what I’m passionate about.

Since graduating from the Functional Nutrition Course I have especially loved running live interactive workshops in my Western Sydney community on fermenting and gluten-free wholefood cooking.

It is an honour to be sharing my story, passion, tips and the knowledge gained in the course to help inspire and empower others to make food and lifestyle changes to improve their health and moods.

I used to think I was healthy and what I was feeding my family was healthy. I just thought my symptoms were ‘normal’ for me, or just part of getting older or part of being a woman. Headaches, PMS symptoms and pain, regular colds, sinus, back pain, low moods, getting cranky when hungry, a muffin top and some extra kilos.

I used to eat what we are ‘told’ is healthy – low fat versions of everything and lots of ‘healthy’ whole-grains.

After a family crisis and lots of little nudges from the universe I finally answered the wake up call and decided to stand up and take responsibility for my family’s health and healing. I empowered myself with knowledge and then took ACTION step-by-step.

Making food and lifestyle changes has been profound. All my symptoms have gone! Yes even my headaches and the emotional monthly rollercoaster and painful cramps. I’ve lost weight by eating fat with no additional exercise and no counting calories or carbs! Brain fog has lifted; sleep is sounder and energy levels sustained.

Most importantly I’m a much happier and calmer MUM for my son!!

I’m loving this version of ‘normal’ SOOOO much more!

I would love others to know that a better normal really is possible.  Knowledge is empowering! Action is life changing! Wellness is bliss.

Melinda Blundell

EMU Wellness

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